Crappie Shad vs Gulp Minnow – Which Fishing Lure Will Catch More Fish?
In the first episode this week we’re comparing Crappie Shad vs Gulp Minnow. Which fishing lure will catch more fish today? One of these lures catches bass, bluegill, and even a shiner! With the other lure, I didn’t catch a thing. The winner of this one on one comparison is clear, it was Gulp Minnow for the win. While these two crappie lures look very similar and are practically the same size, only one of them produces fish today. I’ve caught fish in the past on the crappie shad style lure, but today it didn’t have a chance.
Even though the water cooled off after the cold weekend, I was happy that I was still able to catch a variety of fish.
Check it all out in the video below.
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What Do the Fish Want? Spring Bank Fishing Lures To Try (Early Spring)
Before I go fishing, I usually ask myself “What do the fish want?”. In the second video this week we see some spring bank fishing lures to try in early spring. Today I start things off fishing with a Ned Rig as I try for largemouth bass. I try two locations without getting a single fish before I switch to something else. In the second spot, I try using a Gulp Minnow with some success. I catch one skipjack and I am happy because its the fish of the day. But the most successful lure of the day is the small Salmo jerkbait because thankfully it catches multiple small bass up close to the bank. The fishing is finally getting better! This spring I’ll definitely be asking myself what the fish want more often.
See it all in the video below!
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Which Fishing Lure Catches More Fish? Gulp Minnow vs Jerkbait
Which fishing lure catches more fish? Gulp Minnow vs Jerkbait! I start off fishing with the Jerkbait and I catch a couple of fish. The aggressive yellow bass were out today and a few were going for the jerkbait. After a few empty casts I switch the the gulp minnow. I also catch bass on the gulp minnow, but I also catch some big bluegill! I catch more fish, and a better variety on the gulp minnow. While both lures caught fish today, the subtle presentation of the gulp minnow was more attractive. So which lure catches more fish? Today it was the gulp minnow for sure.
Check it out in the video below!