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Which Fishing Lures Catch Bass When Its Hot?

Hot Bass Fishing 4 – More Bass Fishing With Subscribers Lures!

Hot Bass Fishing 4 More Bass Fishing With Subscribers Lures - Realistic Fishing

In the first episode this week, this is Hot Bass Fishing Episode 4 and I’m doing more bass fishing with subscriber lures! This time I’m fishing with a NetBait Contour Worm and a 13 Fishing Joy Stick Ultra Thin. I start things off with the 13 Fishing Worm and I do catch a bass. But, the real action happens when I use the Netbait Plastic Worm. I catch a lot more bass on this one, probably because of the color, watermelon red flake. This lure comparison happened over 2 extremely hot days at 3 different fishing spots.

I always enjoy fishing with subscribers lures, especially when I catch bass!

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Bass Fishing with Subscribers Lures 5 – Hot Bass Fishing in a Storm!

Bass Fishing with Subscribers Lures 5 Hot Bass Fishing in a Storm - Realistic Fishing

In this episode, I’m bass fishing with subscribers lures! Get ready for some hot bass fishing in a storm. Rain or shine, hot or cold, I am out there trying to catch bass on lures sent in by subscribers. Today, I’m fishing with a few different plastic worms on Texas rigs. I catch 2 bass before getting too wet to continue. Its been so hot this summer, the rain was refreshing. But it doesn’t take long before you end up wet and hot. I always have fun fishing with lures sent in by subscribers. Stay tuned for part 2 of Fishing in a Hot Summer Storm, Hot Bass Fishing Part 6.

See it all in the video below!

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Bass Fishing With Subscribers Lures 6! Fishing After a Hot Summer Storm

Bass Fishing With Subscribers Lures 6 Fishing After a Hot Summer Storm - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week, welcome to episode 6 of Fishing with Subscribers Lures. This afternoon I’m fishing for bass after a hot summer storm. In the first episode, I caught two largemouth bass while it was pouring rain. Now the rain is finally gone but its hot and extremely humid. Using the green worm sent in to the show by a subscriber, I catch three more largemouth bass from the bank. I catch one by the dock, and one by the boat ramp. The last bass is caught off the point. I’m having a great time fishing with subscribers lures. Even if its hot bass fishing after a storm.

Check it out in the video below!

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