Bass Fishing During a Hot Summer Storm – Fishing With Subscribers Lures 7
In the first episode this week, I am bass fishing during a hot summer storm. Once again I am fishing with subscribers lures. The fishing is difficult right now, so I am going with confidence baits. Luckily the package contained some Yum Dingers. I fish them two ways, on a Wacky rig, and also on a Ned rig. I need to cut the plastic worm in half in order to fish it on the ned rig. And I am glad I did, after switching to the ned rig, I catch two largemouth bass. I catch one while standing near the swing. I catch the larger bass off the point after the lightning stopped.
Fishing in a hot summer storm can be a little difficult, but well worth it.
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Hot Bass Fishing With Subscribers Lures – Bass Fishing Night and Day!
In this episode, hot bass fishing with subscribers lures has proven to be a challenge. In this video I am bass fishing at night and during the day. I am fishing with lures from subscribers all the way over in New York. I catch the first bass at night with a Yum Christie Craw. It weighs maybe one pound. The next day I catch a much bigger bass on the X Zone drop shot lure. This bass is between 2 – 3 pounds. When its hot, the fish might not bite as often, but they can still be caught. I appreciate all of the lures sent in by subscribers. I fish with them this summer both day and night.
See it all in the video below!
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Crawfish vs Worm – Which Fishing Lure Catches More Bass From the Bank
In the final episode this week we ask: Which fishing lure catches more bass from the bank, Crawfish vs Worm? I start out fishing with a wacky rig worm that was sent to the show from Low Brow Fishing. The grape jelly colored worm catch one nice bass on the first day of fishing. On the second day I start with the Zoom Fork Tail worm in tomato color. I can’t even catch one bass on it. But after switching to the Yum crawfish, I start catching fish! I catch one in the same water I just fish and didn’t get a bite. Stay tuned for part 2 of Crawfish vs Worm, to see how many more bass I can catch!
Check it out in the video below!