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Trout Fishing with Bait I Found on the Ground

What Does Realistic Fishing Do When The Fish Won’t Bite?

What Does Realistic Fishing Do When The Fish Wont Bite - Realistic Fishing

In this episode we find out what does Realistic Fishing do when the fish won’t bite? There are quite a few fishing related activities to keep me busy when I can’t go fishing. Today I’m sending a giveaway winner his prize and I check the mail at the Post Office. After that I go to my local Walmart to see if I can find any deals on fishing lures. Since I couldn’t find anything that I really want, I head back to the studio to open the package sent from New York. It includes some nice Flying Lures and a few other things like tackle boxes.

So, what do I do when the bass won’t bite? I do other fishing related stuff!

See it all in the video below!

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Creek Fishing with an UltraLight! Finding Shallow Fish in the Winter

Creek Fishing with an UltraLight Finding Shallow Fish in the Winter - Realistic Fishing

In this episode, I am out there creek fishing with an ultralight! It can be fairly difficult finding shallow fish in the winter, but it is not impossible. Since moving water has a lower freezing point, flowing creeks like the one I’m at today still hold fish when its cold outside. Using a very simple fishing rig I’m able to catch six fish within an hour. These aren’t the biggest fish in the world, but I’m happy to be catching fish when most people won’t even give it a try. If you want to try creek fishing with an ultralight, odds are good you can still catch fish in the winter.

Check it out in the video below!

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Fishing With Bait I Found on the GROUND! Trout Fishing Challenge

Fishing With Bait I Found on the GROUND! Trout Fishing Challenge - Realistic Fishing

For this episode I’m fishing with bait I found on the ground. In this trout fishing challenge I’m trying to catch a trout on either corn or used Power Eggs that are laying on the ground. I start things out fishing with the corn and I actually catch a few fish, but they aren’t trout. I end up catching three large shiners! However, since they aren’t trout I decide to go with the Power Egg. After a few casts with no bites at all, I move downstream to the faster moving water. After catching a couple of snags I finally catch a nice trout and decide to take it home. Can you catch fish with bait you found on the ground? Yes!

Check it all out in the video below.

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