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Spring Creek Fishing by a Bridge in Public Water & Battle of the Budget Baitcasters

Battle of the BUDGET BAITCASTERS! Bass Fishing With a $10 Baitcaster

Battle of the BUDGET BAITCASTERS Bass Fishing With a 10 Baitcaster - Realistic Fishing

In the first video this week: This is the battle of the budget baitcasters! Is bass fishing with a $10 baitcaster going to be fun? Worth It? Lets find out. I am starting out with the HD200 that I bought on the internet for $10.34. It looks like a typical baitcaster complete with magnetic brakes. Then I show how to set up a baitcaster for bass fishing. After using it for a few minutes I noticed a few things right away. It actually casts quite well. I was able to launch the lure out there, as well as pitch it a good distance. The retrieve however, is where we run into major problems.

Watch the battle of cheap baitcasters and enjoy the $10 madness.

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Battle of the BUDGET BAITCASTERS (Bass Fishing Reels AC2000 vs HD200)

Battle of the BUDGET BAITCASTERS Bass Fishing Reels AC2000 vs HD200 - Realistic Fishing

In the second episode this week: Welcome back to the battle of the budget baitcasters. The bass fishing reels being compared are the AC2000 for $13.50 vs HD200 for $10.50. This episode is covering the AC2000, so check out the previous video for the HD200! I test this baitcaster with a Texas Rigged Plastic Worm. I do a quit baitcaster setup and get to casting. This reel isn’t as good as I hoped it would be. I was able to catch a bass on it, but it had issues. I dont want to worry about my reel malfunctioning while I am learning to fish with a baitcaster. So I can’t recommend them. But if you want to buy a cheap reel just to mess with, its easy to find.

Check it out in the video below!

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Creek Fishing by a Bridge – Spring Creek Fishing in Public Water

Creek Fishing by a Bridge Spring Creek Fishing in Public Water - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week: Today I’m doing some spring creek fishing in public water. Creek fishing by the bridge at this public park can be hit and miss. Today I stop here to try because no one else is here. I manage to catch a few nice bluegill, beautiful long ear sunfish, and green sunfish. I catch them all on a simple float rig with the small jig. The creek is almost covered in scum, but there are still a few places to cast. If you feel like creek fishing, bridges are a good place to try. You just might be able to catch fish like these in public water.

See how it all went down in the video below!

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