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Now is the Time to Catch the Biggest Bass

Spring Bass Fishing With a Texas Rig – Pre Spawn Bass on Plastic Worm

Spring Bass Fishing With a Texas Rig Pre Spawn Bass on Plastic Worm - Realistic Fishing

In the first video this week: Today I’m doing some spring bass fishing with a Texas rig. I’m fishing pre spawn bass on plastic worms. I start the trip out fishing with a jerkbait and catch one skipjack when the camera wasn’t recording. But I quickly move to a smaller lake and change lures to a Texas Rigged soft plastic worm. I fish the bank up and down. On my way back to the car I make a few casts and I catch two largemouth bass on the Texas Rig. Today the soft plastic worm beats out the jerkbait.

If you have a chance to fishing this spring for pre spawn bass, you just might catch one on a worm.

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I Love the Baby Brush Hog for Spring Bass Fishing! Texas Rig Creature

I Love the Baby Brush Hog for Spring Bass Fishing Texas Rig Creature - Realistic Fishing

In the second episode this week: I love the Baby Brush Hog for spring bass fishing! Today I Texas Rig a Creature Bait and try to catch a bass. I have this baby brush hog rigged on a 3/0 EWG, with a 1/4 oz weight, and I am fishing it on the cheap baitcaster from Walmart. I am excited to catch the first bass of the day after striking out at two other locations. Then I catch a second bass, and finally a third largemouth bass! I love the Baby Brush Hog because it can be finesse fished along the bottom. It is a great lure for spring bass fishing. You also might like to try a Texas Rig creature bait.

Check it out in the video below!

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The BEST and BIGGEST Bass So Far This Year! NOW is the Time for BASS!

The BEST and BIGGEST Bass So Far This Year NOW is the Time for BASS - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week: These are the best and biggest bass so far this year! Now is the time for bass fishing! The water is finally warming up and big bass are biting today! I catch three nice bass today. The first bass is a little under two pound and I catch it on a Texas Rigged worm. The second bass is closer to three pounds and I also catch it on the soft plastic stick worm. After the bite slows down for a moment, I switch to a Baby Brush Hog and catch the largest bass of the year so far! This bass is almost 4 pounds! Now is the time to go bass fishing, you just might catch your biggest and best bass of the year!

See how it all went down in the video below!

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