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Kmart Fishing Lures, YouTube Scammers & Catching a Bluegill with a Lump

Remember Fishing Lures from Kmart? Realistic Fishing Lure Haul + Mail

Remember Fishing Lures from Kmart Realistic Fishing Lure Haul and Mail - Realistic Fishing

Do you remember fishing lures from Kmart? In the first episode this week we check out  a nice fishing lure haul and do some subscriber mail unboxing. We check out some old fishing lures from Kmart and some newer tackle I was able to get for a good deal from Academy. When things are this cold outside, not even Realistic Fishing has any desire to go stand out there and freeze by the water. What better way to keep it realistic than to check out some vintage fishing lures that I remember seeing when I was a kid. The snelled Eagle Claw hooks take me back to the early 80s when little Realistic I used to dream about owning the tackle at Kmart. Do you remember any lures from Kmart?

Check it all out in the video below.

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Trying to SCAM Realistic Fishing and my Subscribers? Pathetic!

YouTube Scam - Trying to SCAM Realistic Fishing and my Subscribers is Pathetic - Realistic Fishing

In the second episode this week we review a fun incident. Can you believe someone was actually trying to scam Realistic Fishing and my subscribers? So absolutely Pathetic! For real, who would go through the trouble of making a fake YouTube profile to impersonate another YouTube channel just to get a few fishing lures? Evidently someone who is desperate for three packs of YUM baits and the glory of scamming the one & only Realistic Fishing. The scammer was caught in my safety net meant to catch irregularities when I do giveaways. After 15 emails back & forth and a good bunch of wasted time, because of greed. Really, stop trying to scam Realistic fishing and his subscribers. Realistic gives away fishing tackle out of the kindness of his heart. So lame the hair of Tom.

Check it out in the video below.

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I Caught a Bluegill with a Big Lump? Fishing Deep Water for “Lumpy”

I Caught a Bluegill with a Big Lump Fishing Deep Water for Lumpy - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week I caught a bluegill with a big old lump on its side. I caught the lumpy fish about 20 feet deep and got him on a nightcrawler. I ended up catching a few other small bluegill and I also got a few nice fish mixed in there too. I’m not sure what would cause a lump like that on a bluegill and the fish seemed to be fine. Sure its cold out there, but there are still fish just waiting to be caught in the deeper water. So grab your confidence baits and get yourself out there and maybe catch Lumpy the Bluegill.

Check it out in the video below!

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