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I Lost My Favorite Fishing Rod, How I Found My Baitcaster Miracle, & Fishing for Big Bluegill When Bass Won’t Bite

I Lost My Favorite Fishing Rod! Lets do Another Fishing Lure Giveaway

I Lost My Favorite Fishing Rod Lets do Another Fishing Lure Giveaway - Realistic Fishing

In the first episode this week – Can you believe I lost my favorite fishing rod??? To ease the pain, let’s do another fishing lure giveaway. Unfortunately it’s true, I lost something really important to me and I am giving something away.  A very generous subscriber sent a box of fishing lures to the show and told me I could give some away. Looking at all of the lures included helps me feel some better, and giving a few lures away helps for sure. Favorite fishing rods may come and go in life but Realistic Fishing is still here keeping it realistic. Good luck to everyone and be sure to leave a comment below to enter.

Check it all out in the video below.

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FOUND! How I Found My Favorite Baitcaster (Realistic Fishing Miracle)

FOUND How I Found My Favorite Baitcaster Realistic Fishing Miracle - Realistic Fishing

In the second episode we have good news folks!  This video is a tale of how I found my favorite baitcaster! Is it a Realistic Fishing miracle? I think it is. I still can’t believe I got it back. A rather fortunate series of events has transpired and I’m happy to report I got my favorite fishing rod back. The All Star T38X is back home where it belongs. It was picked up by the park service and stored at a lost and found that is located two towns over. After making a literally a ton of phone calls I finally tracked down the elusive combo. I immediately hopped in the car and was able to retrieve it! What would you do if you lost for favorite baitcaster? Would you try to find it? God knows I sure did.

Check it out in the video below.

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Fishing for Big Bluegill When Bass Won’t Bite – Float Rig & Bottom Rig

Fishing for Big Bluegill When Bass Wont Bite Float Rig and Bottom Rig - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week, I’m out in the evening doing some fishing for big bluegill with a float rig and bottom rig. When the bass just won’t bite, I like to fish for bluegill to avoid that dreaded skunk. I’m using gulp minnows two different ways. First, I fish it on a float rig and I end up catching a few nice sized bluegill. However, after snagging my rig on a tree, I ended up changing to a bottom rig. That’s when I end up catching two of the biggest bluegill this year. These bluegill turn out to be over 9 inches long! After the sun goes down and the bats start swarming around me, I experience some of the best bluegill fishing I’ve had this year!

Check it out in the video below!

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