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Fall Fishing – Can You Still Catch Fish in November?

This is REAL FISHING – Can You Still Catch Fish in November?

In the first episode this week: Can you still catch fishing in November? This is what real fishing looks like right now. I try to catch fish at two different locations today. The first fishing spot was a complete skunk. I didn’t even get a single bite. After moving to the LOG though, I started catching some fish. I catch a few nice bluegill on Berkley Gulp Alive. I also tried a jerkbait for a while, but couldn’t get a bite. No bass, no skipjack, no crappie, the only fish around are bluegill.

What does the fishing look like near you? Are you still catching fish in November?

See how it all went down in the video below!


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Creek Fishing From the Bank in LOW WATER – Fall Creek Fishing

In this episode: Today I am creek fishing from the bank in Low Water! Fall creek fishing is already challenging enough, but now the water really low. I am fishing with my desperation rig that consists of a Gulp Alive Minnow on a float rig. I am a but surprised that I am still catching fish out here. The water is low, but the temperature is warm. This is not good for the fall fishing. I am still catching fish though! Even if they are only bluegill, I am still catching something in early November. Are the creeks you fish low on water?


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Desperate to Catch Fish? This Rig Catches Fish When Nothing Else Will

In the final episode this week: Are you desperate to catch fish? This rig catches fish when nothing else will! The fishing is very difficult right now. Its warm for November, and the water is extremely low. But that doesn’t stop Realistic Fishing from trying to catch fish. I start out with a lipless crankbait, not a bite. I switch to fishing with a small jerkbait. I don’t even get a bite. After switching to a Gulp Minnow desperation ring, I finally start catching fish. I catch a handful of bluegill, and a long ear sunfish. If you are desperate to catch a fish, maybe give it a try.

Check it out in the video below!


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