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Easy Winter Bank Fishing Below a Dam for Trout & Catching Big Skipjacks

Winter Bank Fishing Below a Dam (Easy Winter Bank Fishing For Trout)

In the first episode this week: oday we are doing some winter bank fishing below a dam. This an easy way to fish for trout in the winter. If your body of water has a spillway, and trout are stocked in the area, its always a good place to try. Today I’m using live worms, and artificial trout eggs. Sometimes I use both at the same time! I end up catching one shiner, and a few stocked rainbow trout.

Tennessee stocks trout in the winter, so get out there and catch some. If you can, try fishing at a dam.

See how it all went down in the video below!


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Catfishermen Love these! Fishing For BIG JUICY SKIPJACKS

In this episode: Catfishermen love these! Big juicy skipjacks make great catfishing bait. But can you actually catch too many skipjacks? I am out in the boat with i_fish and the skipjacks are everywhere. I am catcthing skipjack on a few simple rigs like a splitshot rig, and a jig head. You dont always need 6 hooks to catch skipjack, in fact i_fish and I are using 1 hook rigs. The largest skipjack caught today was 17 inches! That’s big for a skipjack. Are you a catfisherman who loves these baitfish? This is a good time to get out there and stock up on skipjack!


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How Many Fish Can You Catch With ONE Worm and ONE Minnow?

In this episode: How many fish can you catch with just one worm? Or one Minnow? Today I am out bank fishing in December. I have red worms, and Gulp Alive Minnows. I am using one of each to see what I can catch. I catch a variety of panfish including various bluegill and even a crappie! I catch three of four fish on the Gulp, but then I lose it in a snag. I catch many more fish on the worm making it todays winner. If I were hungry, this would have been enough fish to eat, on two baits. How many fish can you catch on a single worm? A bunch!

Check it out in the video below!


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