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Early Spring Fishing and Lures for 2022

Cheap Lures to Try in 2022 – Bass Fishing Lures Clearance Sale

Cheap Lures to Try in 2022 Bass Fishing Lures Clearance Sale - Realistic Fishing

I love it when I find a bass fishing lures clearance sale. In the first episode this week, we check out some cheap lures to try in 2022. I got all of these at Academy Sport, shopping in the clearance section. There are lures from Strike King, Booyah, Culprit, and more. These lures were purchased at 65% off making them a great deal. In the  end, I bought 14 lures averaging about $2.40 each. I really look forward to trying some of these lures in 2022 as well as giving some away. Be sure lo like, comment, and subscribe (wink wink) and check your local stores to see if you can find a bass lures clearance sale and snag some of your own.

Check it all out in the video below.

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Don’t Compare Yourself to a Youtuber! Fishing is Different for Everyone

Dont Compare Yourself to a Youtuber Fishing is Different for Everyone - Realistic Fishing

In the second video this week we discuss the fact that since fishing is different for everyone, I suggest you don’t compare yourself to a Youtuber. Even though your Youtube Hero seems to be catching huge bass on every cast, don’t let it get you down. All of us are fishing in different conditions. We fish different water at different temperatures and at different times of day, with different lures and bait. If the other guy came to your fishing spot with you, would he really do much better? Maybe if they actually know how to fish but odds are good they may struggle too. This spring, don’t be too hard on yourself and beware the cherry picked fishing videos! Unless you edit 8 hours of fishing down in to 15 minutes, you might not get the same results as that Fishing YouTuber.

See it all in the video below!

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Where and When to Catch Yellow Bass! Early Spring Fishing with Minnows

Where and When to Catch Yellow Bass Early Spring Fishing with Minnows - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week, do you want to know where and when to catch Yellow Bass? Early spring fishing with minnows is a really good way to determine if the yellow bass are around. As the water temperature begins to increase to 55 degrees and above, the yellow bass will start running in creeks and creek mouths. They love live minnows but will also go for small lures like Gulp Minnows, grubs, and small jerkbaits. Yellow Bass are good eating and they sure are fun to catch. If your river or lake contains yellow bass, learn where and when to catch them for a great time fishing as the season begins.

Check it out in the video below!

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