Fishing with Nightcrawlers to Catch Fish in Cold Water (Live Bait)
In the first episode this week I tried fishing with some Nightcrawlers to try to catch some fish in cold water. Live bait is definitely what I needed to catch something, anything today. After I spent some time fishing for trout in rather poor conditions and then fishing below the dam and coming up with nothing, I picked up some nightcrawlers because I was feeling pretty desperate! After spending a few hours fishing and not catching a single thing, I really needed to try something else. So, I got those Nightcrawlers and took the worms back to “the log” to try and catch anything at all. Though I love to go fishing year round, cold water fishing can really be tricky. However, I found that fishing with nightcrawlers can catch fish when nothing else seems to do the trick.
Check it all out in the video below.

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Catching More Fish on Nightcrawlers – Fishing With What Works!
In the second episode this week I’m back at it, catching more fish on some nightcrawlers. Fishing with what you know will work can get you through the tough times when fish just won’t bite anything else. After not catching any trout in two different locations, I return to my favorite winter fishing spot “the log”. Wouldn’t you know it, I start catching small bluegill right away and I even use one of them as bait. After a few minutes I start catching some larger fish while I wait anxiously for that really big fish. Unfortunately I didn’t get any bites on the bluegill bait, but the bait itself did live to swim away. So keep in mind, there is a time for experimenting but when you’re desperate to catch some fish, it’s a safe bet to stick to what you know. I am definitely catching more fish on nightcrawlers right now.
Check it out in the video below.

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Trout Fishing Below a Spillway! Which Bait Catches More Dam Trout?
In the final episode this week, I’m doing some more trout fishing below a spillway to see which trout bait catches more fish, I tried Eagle Claw Nitro, Mike’s Trout Bait and Power Eggs. After I adjust the weights and the hooks to get it bottom bouncing just they way I like it, I start comparing the different baits. The Power Eggs did stay on the hook the best, but I didn’t get a single bite. The Mike’s Trout Bait was colorful and soft but it gets all over your fingers. The Nitro Bait was an odd color for sure, but it had good texture. In the end I caught trout on both of the dough products but not the eggs, not this time at least. So which trout bait catches more fish? Today it was the Nitro and the Mike’s that did the trick.
Check it out in the video below!