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Bass Fishing with a Spinner Worm

How To Catch MORE BASS on ONE LURE! Two Ways To Catch More Bass

How To Catch MORE BASS on ONE LURE Two Ways To Catch More Bass - Realistic Fishing

Want to know how to catch more bass on one lure? In the first episode this week, we check out two ways to catch more bass on just one worm. A senko style stick worm can easily be rigged two ways that catch bass. It can be hooked across the center to create a Wacky Rig. It can also be fished on an EWG hook for a Texas rig. Knowing about these two rigs can help you determine what the bass want. If you fish the wacky rig for while and only catch one, you can change over to the Texas rig and see if you catch more fish. I ended up catching one bass on the wacky rig, then using the same exact worm, I catch 3 more bass on a Texas Rig. I hope these two ways to catch more bass help you catch more on one lure.

Check it all out in the video below.

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Fishing With Creme Natural Worm! Pre Rigged Spinner Worm Bass Fishing

Fishing With Creme Natural Worm Pre Rigged Spinner Worm Bass Fishing - Realistic Fishing

In this episode, I’m out there fishing with a Creme Natural Worm. Bass fishing with the pre rigged spinner worm was a bit tricky at first. I failed to catch any fish on my first attempt. The second day I tried fishing it as a topwater and finally got my first bite! It wasn’t long after that, I caught my first bass on it. Then I caught another bass on it at a different location as well. This lure was sent to the show by a generous subscriber. The lure formerly belonged someone who is no longer with us and I was determined to get a fish. I was glad to catch a bass on it. Next time you’re out bass fishing, maybe try fishing with the Creme Natural Spinner Worm, it was definitely a fun challenge.

See it all in the video below!

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Fishing With Lures From POLAND! Salmo Minnow Bass Fishing Lures

Fishing With Lures From POLAND Salmo Minnow Bass Fishing Lures 2 - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week, I’m fishing with lures from Poland! The Salmo Minnow Fishing Lures not only catch bass, but also big bluegill! The first fish I catch is a large shellcracker. After changing overa to a different minnow, I catch a couple of bass. But the biggest fish of the night came on the third minnow I tried.

Fishing With Lures From POLAND Salmo Minnow Bass Fishing Luresss - Realistic Fishing

The smallest minnow caught the largest bass! I would like to thank RPF for sending the Salmo minnows in to the show. Its not every day you get to go fishing with lures from Poland. They actually catch fish!

Check it out in the video below!

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