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Fishing for Crappie, Bass & Bluegill from the Bank using Live Bait & Trout Magnets

Fishing for Crappie Bass and Bluegill with Live Bait (Minnows)

Fishing for Crappie Bass and Bluegill with Live Bait Minnows - Realistic Fishing

In the first episode this week we’re fishing with live bait (minnows) for bluegill, bass & crappie. I’m finally able to fish again and to start things off this week I think I’ll go with something easy. Fishing with live bait can produce great results catching multiple fish. At the very first spot I try, I catch two small largemouth bass. After I move to another spot I end up catching some good sized bluegill and a nice sized crappie. I then share a handful of tips on how to fish with minnows on two different rigs. Fishing​ for bass, crappie​  and bluegill​ with live minnows is a great way to spend a couple hours.

Check it all out in the video below.

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Float Fishing from the Bank – Easy Fishing Rigs for Crappie & Bluegill

Float Fishing from the Bank Easy Fishing Rigs for Crappie and Bluegill - Realistic Fishing

In this second episode this week I’m float fishing from the bank using some easy fishing rigs for bluegill and crappie. Using a float, a couple of hooks and pinch on sinkers you can be out at the water catching some crappie, bluegill and even bass. We see me experimenting with fishing single hook rigs and two hook rigs, moving the weights to see what happens. I try using both artificial baits and live minnows. In the end I catch a small bass, a good variety of bluegill and a big crappie. You’ll see these are easy float fishing rigs that anyone can try. If you want to catch some bluegill and crappie from the bank, these rigs definitely can get it done.

Check it out in the video below.

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Fishing with a Mini Trout Magnet – Can I Catch a Crappie? (Realistic)

Fishing with a Mini Trout Magnet Can I Catch a Crappie - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week, I’m fishing with a mini trout magnet to see if I catch a crappie. I am using a Realistic rig and a mini magnet which consists of a pinch on sinker added below the lure. For this rig I prefer to use at least an 8 inch tag line. I try using the jig head provided as well as a small bait hook. I also try adding a small amount of pro cure scent for a little bit more confidence. Turns out I easily catch a variety of fish from the bank but can I catch that illusive crappie? Next time you’re out there, consider fishing with a Mini Magnet, you just might be surprised when you end up catching a big crappie.

Check it out in the video below!

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