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Fishing for Bass & Bluegills – Biggest Bluegill of the Year

Crappie Nibbles vs Gulp Minnow – Which Bait Will Catch More Fish?

Crappie Nibbles vs Gulp Minnow Which Bait Will Catch More Fish - Realistic Fishing

In the first episode this week we are fishing with Crappie Nibbles vs Gulp Minnow. Which bait will catch more fish? I start things out fishing with the Gulp Minnow and catch a few nice bluegill and a big shellcracker. This shellcracker was larger than my hand, measuring over 9 inches. After catching these three fish I switch over to using the Crappie Nibbles. I end up catching similar bluegill and shellcracker on this bait as well. So which bait will catch more fish today?
The clear winner is the Crappie Nibbles. I ended up catching two more fish on them, even though the fish are not as large.

Crappie Nibbles vs Gulp Minnow Which Bait Will Catch More Fish Big Shellcracker - Realistic Fishing

Check it out in the video below!

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Biggest Bluegill of the Year! Realistic Fishing for Bluegill in Rain

Biggest Bluegill of the Year Realistic Fishing for Bluegill in Rain - Realistic Fishing

In this episode I just caught the biggest bluegill of the year so far. Sometimes realistic fishing for bluegill can end up with you fishing in the rain. The night before the storm, the bite was really slow but I did end up catching a couple of fish. One of them was a big bluegill, almost 9 inches long! I came back out to give it a try the next day and it was raining. But that didn’t stop me from catching some more nice bluegill. Even when the fishing is really slow, I’m grateful for the chance to catch a big one. Realistic fishing is being out there rain or shine trying to catch a fish.

Check it all out in the video below.

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Fishing for Bass and Bluegill With a Tiny Drop Shot – Realistic Rig

Fishing for Bass and Bluegill With a Tiny Drop Shot Realistic Rig - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week we’re fishing for bass and bluegill with a tiny drop shot. The easy to use Realistic Rig consists of a small hook and pinch on sinkers. The hook is positioned above the weights which keeps the lure about 1 foot above the bottom. Using this quick rig I’m able to catch a bunch of bluegill and a nice largemouth bass. This finesse rig is really great practice for other fishing techniques where feeling the bite is important. If you’re out there fishing for bass and bluegill, maybe try a tiny drop shot like the realistic rig.

Bass Fishing With a Tiny Drop Shot Realistic Rig - Realistic Fishing

See it all in the video below!

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