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Fall Bank Fishing for Big Shellcracker & Black Nose Crappie & Testing Real VS Fake Minnows!

Fall Bank Fishing with a Jerkbait & Realistic Rig – Big Shellcracker!

Fall Bank Fishing with a Jerkbait and Realistic Rig Big Shellcracker - Realistic Fishing

In the first episode this week its time for some more fall bank fishing using a jerkbait and realistic rig.  I end up catching bluegill, a couple small bass and a nice big shellcracker. The weather  is starting to cool off and the wind is starting to pick up, but fortunately the fishing is still pretty good. I end up catching a Quarter Pounder with cheese on the jerkbait before I then switch to the Realistic Gulp Rig which is how I catch the big red ear sunfish, bass and the bluegill. If you can handle the cold, fall fishing from the bank can be really productive. Whether you try a realistic rig or a jerkbait, chances are good you can get a few good fish, even maybe a big shellcracker.

Check it all out in the video below.

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REAL Minnows vs FAKE Minnows! Does Live Bait Catch More Fish?

REAL Minnows vs FAKE Minnows Does Live Bait Catch More Fish - Realistic Fishing

In this second episode this week I test out real minnows vs fake minnows to answer the question “Does live bait catch more fish?” I start things off with the live bait and I catch a good variety of fish. I catch bass, bluegill, crappie, and a skipjack. I am pretty impressed with the size of a couple of the fish I caught today, especially that skipjack. After I switch things up to the Gulp Alive fake minnow, I still catch some fish however I don’t catch the same size or variety that I caught with the live bait.  So I found that both fake minnows and real minnows will catch fish. But when it comes to the question: Does live bait catch more fish? Well, today it definitely ended up catching the bigger, better variety for sure.

Check it out in the video below.

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Biggest Crappie of the Year + Rare Catch! – Bank Fishing For Crappie

Biggest Crappie of the Year Rare Catch Bank Fishing For Crappie rotated - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week, I’m out there bank fishing for crappie and I end up catching the biggest crappie of the year, plus I catch a rare black nose crappie. After striking out with a crankbait, I decide to switch to live minnows under a float, and I am glad I do! I catch my biggest crappie of the year at 13 inches! I also catch an 11 incher as well as a rare catch, the black nose or magnolia crappie. I also get a few decent bluegill as well. Fall is a great time to fish with a minnow under a float, especially from the bank. You just might catch your biggest crappie of the year!

Check it out in the video below!

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