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Don’t Worry, YouTube Fishermen Struggle Too

Don’t Worry!!! Fishing Youtubers Struggle Too – They HIDE IT from You!

Dont Worry Fishing Youtubers Struggle Too They HIDE IT from You - Realistic Fishing

If you are not catching fish, don’t worry! Fishing youtubers struggle too, but they hide it from you. Here at Realistic Fishing I show you both good days and bad. If you are watching the commercialized youtube fishermen catch big fish left and right, and it doesn’t seem realistic, there is a reason for that. Its NOT! Most of us have enough time to drive to the water and make a few casts and we catch what we catch. They are fishing for hours and hours, in exciting locations, and showing you the highlights. So don’t worry. They are hiding all of the realistic stuff that you and I are experiencing.

Check it out in the video below!

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6,441 YouTube Views

What Happened to Ollies? “Discount” Fishing Lures MORE Than Retail???

What Happened to Ollies Discount Fishing Lures MORE Than Retail - Realistic Fishing

What happened to Ollie’s? Why are Discount fishing lures being sold for MORE than retail? I always check out the fishing lures at Ollie’s and other discount stores. Typically you can get a good deal. But this year, the prices are even high than brand new lures on the shelf at retail stores. Zoom lures at Walmart cost between $2.78 and $3.48. At Ollie’s they cost $3.99! Something has recently happened over there causing the prices to be way out of whack. Please do your research instead of assuming you are getting a deal at a discount store. You just might be paying more than retail!

Check it all out in the video below.

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8,111 YouTube Views

Doing Something Nice Because People Are Jerks! Realistic Fishing

Doing Something Nice Because People Are Jerks - Realistic Fishing

Today I am doing something nice because people are jerks. Realistic Fishing deals with his fair share of trash and internet trolls. Sometimes I start to feel the effects of negativity, after all I am human. So to cheer myself up, I like to give away free fishing lures. Today we are doing four giveaways! One of them is from a previous video, and three of them are up for grabs as of now. I try to make up for jerks by doing something nice for the people I like. I appreciate all of the support from the true fans and this is just one way I say thank you.

See it all in the video below!

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6,487 YouTube Views