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Bass Fishing with a Rebel Crickhopper – Cricket Fishing Lure

First Time Fishing with a REBEL Crickhopper! Cricket Fishing Lure

First Time Fishing with a REBEL Crickhopper Cricket Fishing Lure - Realistic Fishing

In the first episode this week, we see this is my first time fishing with a Rebel Crickhopper! This is a cricket fishing lure that catches both panfish and bass. It is shaped like a grasshopper or a cricket, but it behaves like a crankbait. Although it was a little tricky getting started, I did eventually catch on and get it under control. The first fish I catch with the Crickhopper is a largemouth bass somewhere over 1/2 lb. After that I end up catching some very nice bluegill in the 8 to 9 inch range. I even catch a smaller fairly aggressive bluegill. One thing about this lure is that I find it hard to hook fish. This is probably because the hooks are so small. So if you haven’t fished with a Rebel Cricket Lure, you may also catch bluegill and bass your first time fishing with one.

Check it all out in the video below.

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My Favorite Creek Fishing Lures! Realistic Creek Fishing (Part 1)

My Favorite Creek Fishing Lures Realistic Creek Fishing - Realistic Fishing

In the second episode this week, do you want to know what my favorite creek fishing lures are? Watch this Realistic Creek Fishing two part series to see what lures I am able to catch fish on. In part 1 we check out one of my all time favorite lures, the Gulp Minnow. Since I have the most confidence in this particular bait, I do use it more often. And therefore I catch more fish! I catch quite a few different fish today including bass, all on a Gulp Minnow. This rig really is easy enough for anyone to try, and it’s especially productive with Realistic Fishing tips. I always keep some Gulp in the car just in case I want to go fishing. It truly is one of my favorite creek fishing lures.

Check it out in the video below.

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Creek Fishing Lures that Catch Bass & More! Best Lures for Local Creek

Creek Fishing Lures that Catch Bass and More Best Lures for Local Creek - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week, we see more creek fishing lures that catch bass and more! We see which ones are the best lures for local creek fishing in my area. I catch some fish on hellgrammites, swimbaits and twister tail grubs. Today’s catches include sunfish, largemouth bass,  and spotted bass. Seth also catches some fish on the tiny fluke. Fishing in a creek is a really good time to try your smaller lures. You never know what kind of fish you may end up catching. So if you have a local creek and you want to try some bass fishing, consider some of my best lures, maybe they’ll work for you too!

Check it out in the video below!

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