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Bass Fishing from the Bank with a Wacky Rig

Realistic Fishing for Bass and Panfish in a Creek – Fall Creek Fishing

Realistic Fishing for Bass and Panfish in a Creek Fall Creek Fishing - Realistic Fishing

In the first episode this week, we’re doing some realistic fishing for bass & panfish in a creek. Fall creek fishing sure can be tough. Today was an average day catching four different fish. In the end I caught a largemouth bass on a small swimbait and I also caught three different panfish species on the Gulp minnow. If you try some fall creek fishing, don’t be surprised if it gets a little too realistic and the fishing is tough. You DO still have a chance to catch some bass & panfish, but the weather is now changing and so is the behavior of the fish out there. Good luck!

Check it all out in the video below.

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Realistic Fishing for Bluegill – Bank Fishing with a Float Rig

Realistic Fishing for Bluegill Bank Fishing with a Float Rig - Realistic Fishing

In the second episode this week, we’re doing some realistic fishing for bluegill. Bank fishing with a float rig can often pay off when other fish won’t bite. This simple rig consists of a float, a pinch on sinker, and a hook. The bait I’m using today is a Gulp minnow because it resembles live bait, AND it can be stored in the car. On this trip, I end up catching a bunch of bluegill in many sizes. The larger bluegill are over seven inches long and the small sunfish are around three inches long. So if you’re having a hard time getting the bass to bite, maybe relax for a while and try bank fishing for bluegill instead.

Check it out in the video below.

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Bass Fishing with a 6th Sense Ned Fry – Wacky Rig Fishing for BASS!

Bass Fishing with a 6th Sense Ned Fry Wacky Rig Fishing for BASS - Realistic Fishing

In the final episode this week, we see my first time bass fishing with a 6th Sense Ned Fry. Today I’m wacky rig fishing for bass from the bank. After a quick attempt with a Texas rig and coming up empty, I change to the 6th Sense worm. I catch three nice largemouth bass! I catch the first (and largest) fish next to a dock. This gives me a boost of confidence and I catch another bass a few casts later over at the boat ramp. Then after moving down to the other end of the lake, I catch the third bass where someone else was just fishing. They moved toward my spot, so I moved to their old spot. I wasn’t hopeful BUT HA, caught one anyway!

Check it out in the video below!

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