As you grow, fishing grows with you. I have been fishing for over 30 years. Most people start out when their mom or dad takes them down to a lake or pond. Kiddie fishing pole in hand and with help making that first cast, you wait for that first fish.

That is always the hardest part, but you wait. And finally- nibble nibble- “I got one!” I still remember my first experiences fishing and I hope that kind of memory is shared by many many others. It is extremely exciting for both the adults and children when fish are being caught. Fishing teaches kids about respecting nature, about patience, and about rewards for diligence. As a fisherman (or woman) grows up their techniques become more refined. Their experience starts to give them an edge and their confidence grows.

At this point fishing can branch out in many ways. As I was growing up I was determined to catch fish in different locations once I was old enough to go on my own. It was very common to see myself and other kids from the neighborhood with a couple of fishing poles as we rode our bikes to get to different spots on the lake. As the experience of fishing expands, so does the adventure. Fast flowing water might make someone think of danger. Seeing birds dive into the water might fill children and adults with wonder. And seeing the sun set on a lake brings a great day to a great end.

As a beginner, which we all once were, you cant expect to catch every fish, every time, every day. Sure it might be hard to sit still and watch that bobber, and if the fish aren’t biting it can get frustrating. Just keep in mind that even the best fishermen out there have bad days too. There is no perfect fisherman. There is no perfect lure or technique. What I do promise is that there are great times to be had while fishing. Some people enjoy getting the guys together for a fishing trip. Some people like to walk along the waters edge by themselves. And some people like to teach their children and others how to fish. No matter what you like most about fishing, there are many other people out there who enjoy the same thing. As you learn from them, they learn from you and more fish are caught. Never give up.
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