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Middle Tennessee Bank Fishing: New Spots, Same Struggles

Fishing New Locations on the Lake (Middle Tennessee Bank Fishing)

When the local spots aren’t producing, it’s time to explore new fishing locations—but unfortunately, the results were exactly what I expected.

I hit two new bank fishing spots in Middle Tennessee, hoping to find better action than my usual locations. But it’s still winter, and the water hasn’t warmed up enough for the bigger fish to move in. The bass bite is non-existent, and while I managed to catch a few scattered bluegill, it wasn’t the big improvement I was hoping for.

Fishing in Tennessee this time of year is always a challenge. The fish are hugging deeper water, and even though I covered plenty of ground along the bank, the big bites just weren’t happening. But I’m still hopeful—spring is coming, and when that water temperature rises, the bass should finally start moving in.

For now, I’ll take what I can get. Even when trying brand new fishing spots, Tennessee fishing is still as tough as ever.


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Some Fishermen Are Not Very Nice (Middle Tennessee Fishing)

Fishing is supposed to be a relaxing experience, but sometimes, the worst part isn’t the bad fishing—it’s dealing with other fishermen.

I’ve fished all over Middle Tennessee, and while I’ve met plenty of great people, I’ve also run into a fair share of rude, arrogant, and just plain weird fishermen. Some guys act like they know everything, belittle other anglers, and get downright aggressive over the simplest things.

Recently, all I did was mention that winter fishing in Tennessee has been terrible, and suddenly, people were calling me a Yankee, giving me terrible advice, and even blaming me for the bad fishing! One guy even told me not to come to his town and talk %$#@. Seriously? What is wrong with people?

The good news? I’m finally starting to catch bluegill again. The bad news? Trout and bass are still missing, and I have to deal with these grumpy know-it-alls every time I talk about fishing.

All I can say is this: Not all fishermen are friendly. If you fish in Middle Tennessee, be prepared for anything—both from the fish and the people.


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