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Can You ACTUALLY Catch Trout with Play-Doh???

I recently saw some pink Play-Doh at Walmart for $1.00 I couldn’t pass it up. I had the feeling it could make a pretty good trout fishing bait. The stuff is pink, its non-toxic and its soft, sounds great right? Not exactly.

In this trout fishing YouTube video, I try to catch a trout with the pink Play-Doh. Turns out, it sinks. And, I found that it tends to snag on the bottom as it drifts downstream. It also had trouble staying on the hook because it’s a bit TOO soft. It started to feel like the odds were stacked against me trying to catch a trout on pink Play-Doh, but I finally did it!

In the end I found that for about $1.00, the Play-Doh is an OK choice for trout fishing. Check it out in the video below.

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