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Month: June 2024


Why Texas Rigs Are a Game Changer for Summer Bass Fishing – Strike King Lures in Action

Why do I love Texas Rigs? Watch me do some summer bass fishing with Strike King worms and find out. Its 94 degrees today and I am sweating out here. But I want to catch a few bass, so what do I choose? I planned on using both worms and craws today, but stuck with the worms because of the results. While standing on a log over the water, I catch 2 nice largemouth bass! I walk down the bank a little way, and catch another bass. This one was two pounds! Summer is a great time to Texas Rig a worm, and the Strike King lures work great for this application. #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Summer Fishing Tips: Realistic Bass Fishing with a NED Rig & Subscriber Mail

What does Realistic Fishing do when it's too hot to fish? I go over fishing lure pickups and open the mail to see what was sent to the show. The first item we look at today are Gulp Minnows that I picked up at WalMart for Two Dollars! The second package contains Micro Jig heads from i_fish. He also sent over some custom floats as well and both will be included in the 100,000 subscriber special giveaway. Finally I open a package that contains a large hand made topwater popper! I am always happy when people send custom artwork to the show. Thanks to everyone who sends mail to Realistic Fishing! #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Jason Compton - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Realistic Fishing When It’s HOT! (Big Hybrid Bluegill)

This is what Realistic Fishing looks like when it's Hot! It is over 90 degrees today but I am out there trying to catch fish. I start out fishing for largemouth bass with Texas Rigs. I try both worms, and craws with no success. Then I switch to a panfish rig and I start catching fish. I catch two big bluegill on a Gulp Alive minnow! I also catch a large bluegill hybrid that is over 9 inches! Fishing can be tricky when it gets hot. I try for bass first, but then I switch to bluegill fishing if nothing is biting. #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Jason Compton - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

MOST Anglers Will NEVER Catch One of THESE!

Even if they fish for 50 years, most anglers will never catch one of these! This fishing trip starts off at the Lucky Unlucky Spot. Today's lure of choice is a Texas rigged craw. After a few few casts, I manage to catch the first largemouth bass of the day. The fish weighs close to one pound. After not catching anything else there, I move to another spot. This is where I catch something great! Some people will never experience the joy of catching a fishing pole. You think you have a bass on the line, nope, its a Zebco 33! After the excitement of catching a fishing setup, I even manage to catch a warmouth on the Texas Rig. #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Jason Compton - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Realistic Fishing From A Public Dock – Finesse Rig & Texas Rig Fishing

Today on Realistic Fishing, I am doing some finesse and Texas Rig fishing from a public dock. I am over at Skeletor Park and starting out with a Gulp Alive Minnow under a float. This finesse rig is being fished on a light spinning setup. I manage to catch 2 nice bluegill, and a long ear sunfish. After the bite slows down, I switch to the Texas Rig and catch what I think is a bass. It turns out to be a warmouth sunfish that jumps out of my hands. The fishing from a public dock is slow today due to fishing pressure and time of year. But using finesse rigs and a Texas rig I am able to catch a few. #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Jason Compton - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

The Ultimate Finesse Swimbait Rig! Fishing Ulrtalight Lures From Shore

This is the ultimate finesse swimbait rig! Today I'm fishing with ultralight lures from shore. The jig head I am using is a BG1 from i_fish. The lure is a 1 inch boot tail swimbait! Together, this rig works great for big bluegill, and even bass! I switch between silver and gold, and catch fish on both. The fishing has been difficult lately, but this finesse swimbait rig gets them to bite. If you are having trouble catching anything, maybe try the ultimate in finesse swimbaits, a one inch swimbait! #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Jason Compton - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

Realistic Fishing is Almost to 100K Subscribers!

Realistic Fishing is almost at one hundred thousand subscribers! 100K is right around the corner. As an early Thank You I would like to celebrate with a four way subscriber appreciation day! Its a SAD Day for Realistic Fishing, being so close to that 100 thousand subscriber mark! I would like to thank everyone who has supported the show show far. I appreciate all of the great comments, the videos and mail you send to the show. We are so close now, I can taste it! Shipping to the United States only. Good luck to everyone, and keep it realistic! #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Jason Compton - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

How To Catch Bass When They Won’t Bite!

Want to know how to catch bass when they won't bite? Follow me as I fish for bass with 4 different, in multiple spots. I start out fishing with a Texas rigged Chigger Craw. Unable to catch anything with it, I soon switch to a Culprit Worm. Again, I can't catch anything. But then, it happens. While fishing my third lure, a NED rigged craw, I catch a nice largemouth bass. I had to switch lures three times, and travel across the lake, to even get a bite. AFter losing the Ned Rig to a snag, I go with a Gulp Minnow to close the trip and I catch another bass! How do I catch bass when they won't bite? I switch lures and move around until they do. #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Jason Compton - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:

The Most Realistic Fishing Video Out There! THEY Won’t Show You This

Ready to watch the most realistic fishing video out there? Today I am fishing at a new location, its pouring rain, and you guessed it... The Fish are not biting. I start out fishing with live bait today in hopes of catching some panfish. But this public park doesn't have any fish! I catch maybe 3 bluegill on live worms. After feeling desperate to catch a good fish, I also try the Texas Rig. But that didn't do any good either. These are they days they won't show you, but they do exist. You can't be catching fish on every cast. #fishing #realistic Send mail to the show here: Realistic Fishing PO Box 2005 Lebanon TN 37088 Try it yourself! My Amazon Store: - As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases Contribute via Patreon: Awesome Patrons: Scott Hettel - Chue Lee - Clinodev - John David - Joshua Johnston - Gail Hayes - Jay B - Jason Compton - Marlo C. - Nathaniel Reynolds - Michael and Susan Ziegler - B Turtle - Nicole Lydon - Shawn Grimes - Carlton Phelps Check out my SHIRT STORE: Follow me on social media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: